1: Making butter  バターを作る


300ml Double Cream                               200 ml濃厚な生クリーム(動物性脂肪42以上)

1 jar (500ml or bigger)                                500mlらい入る瓶またはペットボトル

Salt (1/2 teaspoon or 3.5 grams of salt      塩〔250gのバターにつき3.5g(小さじ1/2)〕

       per 250g of butter)                              

Iced water                                                  氷水



1.  Fill your jar with cream.

2.  Close the jar tightly and shake, shake, shake!

3.  You will stop hearing liquid sloshing around. That is the whipped cream stage.

4.  Keep shaking until you hear liquid sloshing around the jar again. Shake it for further minute until butter becomes a solid mass.

5.  Take the butter out into a bowl.  Do not throw away the liquid! It is buttermilk – use it for baking or cooking.

6.  Rinse the butter in icy water. Knead it a little.

7.  Throw away the water and rinse the butter in fresh water. Repeat until water is clear.

8.  Weigh the butter and add salt accordingly. Mix well. You can mix herbs or chili for flavoured butter.

Note: Adding salt and washing the buttermilk away helps the butter to last longer.


1.     瓶にクリームを入れる。

2.     しっかり蓋をして、シェイク、シェイク、シェイク!

3.     しばらくするとバシャバシャした音が止まる。この時点でホイップクリーム状態。

4.     さらに振り続けると、また液体の音が聞こえてくる。バターが固体の塊になるまであと一分ほどシェイクする。

5.     バターをボウルに取り出す。  液体はバターミルク。お菓子作りや料理に使えるのでとっておく。

6.     氷水をボウルに入れ、水のなかでバターをすこし練って洗う。

7.     水を捨て、また氷水を入れて洗う。水が透明になるまで繰り返す。 

8.     バターの重量を計り、それに応じて塩を加え、よく混ぜる。お好みでハーブや唐辛子を加えても。




Butter was rationed since January 1940. An adult person could get 4oz (113.4g) butter a week, which was reduced to 2oz (56.7g) six months later. According to Lizzie Collingham’s The Taste of War, most British agricultural land was pasture and Britain was entirely self-sufficient in milk production in the 1930s. It is, therefore, surprising that butter was one of the first foodstuffs to be rationed. Interestingly, despite the huge milk production, 91% of butter was imported at the beginning of the war. Main suppliers were continental Europe and New Zealand. When the war was raging on the continent, Britain procured more butter from New Zealand. When U-boats were eagerly awaiting to sink allied ships, however, it was tricky to get shipment through. That is why butter was scarce.

I read somewhere that some people kept cream at the top of full fat milk aside and made butter from it. So, I thought I’d try making it myself. 



The jar and the double cream I used.  使用した瓶と生クリーム

The cream in the jar.  瓶にクリームを入れる

4 to 5 minutes shaking turned the cream into whipped cream.  振って4~5分でホイップクリームに

The cream started to solidify after about 15 minutes.  15分ほどで固まり始めました

Tada! Solid butter and butter milk.  バターに変身 水分はバターミルク 

Wash the butter with iced water.  バターを氷水で洗う

Here it is! Home-made butter!  バターの出来上がり!


It was surprisingly simple to make. I made 178g of butter and added just over 2g of salt. 180g butter out of 300g of cream is more than I expected. The taste was okay -- then I realised I put salt before washing the butter because it was easier to mix, which meant I washed away all the salt! Once salt was added again, it tasted good. Make sure add salt at the end!

Cost-wise, the cream was £1.50 and Sainsbury’s 250g own brand butter is £1.99, which means it was slightly more expensive to make my own. Although it would've made sense to make one at home when you needed to top up your ration of butter and cooking oil, it does not save money in the modern day.

Of course, it would be easier to use a butter churn or a mixer, but this was an experiment after all…  It was definitely an eye-opener. It was fascinating to see how liquid cream transformed. I have acquired an ancient skill. Although it does not make economical sense, I am glad I’ve done it.







Armstrong, Craig, 2023, Feeding the Nation in World War II (Pen & Sword Books)

Collingham, Lizzie, 2011, The Taste of War: World War Two and the Battle for Food, (Penguin Books)

Patten, Marguerite, 1995, The Victory Cookbook (Hamlyn)

The Ministry of Food, 1946, How Britain was Fed in War Time: Food Control 1939-1945 (His Majesty’s Stationery Office)
