5. Potato Piglets 子豚のポテト(ソーセージ詰めポテト)


6 medium well-scrubbed potatoes                 中ぐらいのじゃがいも 6つ

6 skinned sausages                                        皮をとったソーセージ 6つ

Cooked cabbage – lightly chopped                蒸したキャベツ



1.     Pre-heat the oven to 190C/170C fan.

2.     Remove a centre core, using an apple corer, from the length of each potato.

3.     Stuff the cavity with sausage meat.

4.     Place them in a baking tin and bake for 45 minutes to one hour.

5.     Arrange the piglets on a bed of cooked cabbage.


1. オーブンを190℃(コンベクションオーブンの場合は170℃)に予熱する

2. りんごの芯抜きでジャガイモに穴を開ける。

3. 穴にソーセージの中身を詰める。

4. ベーキングトレーにのせて45分から1時間オーブンで焼く(サイズによって焼き時間が異なる)。

5. 蒸したキャベツの上にポテトを乗せて召し上がれ。



This is a recipe from Ministry of Food’s Potato Pete’s Recipe Book.

According to the booklet, “Doctors advise each of us to eat at least 12 ozs. (340g), and if possible 1 lb. (450g) of potatoes each day”. “To avoid waste, potatoes should be cooked in their skins. Peeling them you lose both goodness and bulk, and it is easy to scrub and steam them and remove the skins afterwards while they are hot. This way they develop delightful flavour.”

Potato cultivation was increased during the war. By 1944, the output was up 87% by comparison with the pre-war production. To reduce the import of wheat, the Ministry embarked on a publicity campaign to stimulate the consumption of potatoes and to avoid waste. So the Potato Pete was born to promote the crop.

I have found this delightful video of Potato Pete and Doctor Carrot.



Ingredients 材料

Remove the core じゃがいもに穴を開ける

Stuff the cavity with sausage meat ソーセージの中身を穴に詰める

Bake in the oven オーブンで焼く

Potato piglets! できあがり!



It was only for two of us, so I used four potatoes and four sausages. But perhaps because my ‘medium size potatoes’ might have been a bit too small, or the sausages too large, two sausages were enough to fill the four potatoes. Next time, I will make bigger holes. I baked them for 45 minutes. If you use bigger potatoes, you would need to bake a little bit longer.

It was basically jacket potatoes with sausage meat in them and as expected, they tasted potato and sausage. I was surprised it didn’t use any butter to cook the potatoes, but as I wrote before, butter/margarine was quite scarce at that time. I have to say they were a little dry. We had them with English mustard, but gravy would have lifted the dish. It is a comfort food. We both loved it. With a little tweak, it would be a great dish.








BBC London, Potato Pete and Doctor Carrot, Dig for Victory: Health of the Nation, Old Forge War Time House on Youtube [Accessed on 30 January 2025]

H.M Stationary Office, 1946, How Britain was fed in War Time: Food Control 1939-1945

Collingham, Lizzie, 2011, The Taste of War: World War Two and the Battle for Food, (Penguin Books)

Ministry of Food, 1941-1947, Potato Pete’s Recipe Book (seen on National Library of Scotland website)
