2: Carrots and Apples にんじんとりんご煮


1 lb.(450g) carrots                             にんじん 450g

½ lb.(225g) apples                            りんご  225g

1 teacupful (200ml) salted water         水 200mlに少量の塩を加えたもの

1 teaspoon fine oatmeal                   粉にしたオートミール 小さじ1

1 teaspoon of margarine                  マーガリン 小さじ1

A pinch of mixed spice                     ミクストスパイス ひとつまみ




1.    Scrape and slice the carrots.

2.    Peel and quarter the apples.

3.    In a saucepan with salted water, put in the carrots and lay the apples on top. Do not stir.

4.    Simmer until both are tender.

5.    Take out the apples with a spoon and arrange in the centre of a dish, with the carrots round them. Keep them hot. Keep the liquid! 

6.    In a small bowl, mix a teaspoon of oatmeal with a little water to a smooth paste.

7.    Add 6, a teaspoonful of margarine, a pinch of mixed spice in the liquid in the saucepan.

8.    Boil for 5 minutes and then pour the sauce over the carrots and apples. Serve.


Note: If you cannot get hold of mixed spice, see below. I have written a recipe for it.


1.    にんじんは皮を剥き、スライスする。

2.    りんごは皮を剥き四等分(サイズによっては八等分)し、芯を取り除く

3.    鍋に水200mlと少量の塩を加え、にんじんをいれて、その上にりんごをおく。混ぜない。

4.    にんじんとりんごが柔らかくなるまで煮る。

5.    スプーンでりんごをとりだし、皿の真ん中に置く。その周りににんじんを置く。煮汁はソースを作るのに使うので捨てないこと。りんごとにんじんは冷めないように。

6.    小さな器にオートミールと少量の水を混ぜ、練る。

7.    煮汁に6、マーガリン小さじ1、ミクストスパイスひとつまみを加える。

8.    5分間煮てソースを作り、にんじんとりんごにかける。 



<Mixed Spice Recipe>                               <ミクストスパイスの作り方>

1 Tablespoon ground allspice                   グラウンド・オールスパイス 大さじ1

1 Tablespoon ground cinnamon               グラウンド・シナモン 大きさじ1

1 Tablespoon ground nutmeg                  グラウンド・ナツメグ 大さじ1

1 teaspoon ground mace                         グラウンド・メース 小さじ1

1 teaspoon ground cloves                       グラウンド・クローヴ 小さじ1

1 teaspoon ground coriander                  グラウンド・コリアンダー 小さじ1

1 teaspoon ground ginger                       グラウンド・ジンジャー 小さじ1


Combine all spices and put them in a glass jar. Keep store in a dark cool place.



This recipe is from Ministry of Food’s War Cookery Leaflet Number 4. On the front of the cover, it says:

The carrot is one of the most valuable of all our root vegetables and to-day we are apt, to take them a little too much for granted and forget how rich they are in protective elements. Among other good things they contain “carotene,” one of the important sources of Vitamin A which strengthens our resistance to infection. There is a certain amount of sugar in them, too, and this is useful for our war-time diet. As many a wise mother knows, the child who eats raw carrot freely is most unlikely to have a craving for sweets.



Ingredients. I have grounded the porridge oats for the sauce. 材料 オートミールは粉状に

Scrape and slice the carrot. にんじんを洗ってスライス

Peel, core, and cut the apple.りんごをむき、芯をとってカット

Place the carrot and the apple with salted water in a pan and boil. 鍋ににんじんとりんごを塩水と共に入れて煮る

Once cooked, take them out and arrange them on a plate. 柔らかくなったら皿に盛る

Add oatmeal, mixed spice, margarine in the liquid. 煮汁にオートミール、ミクストスパイス、マーガリンを加える

This is how the sauce looked like. ソースができました

Carrots and Apples
Tada! The Carrots and Apples! できあがり!


I must confess: I made this dish for only two of us, so I used 1 carrot and 1 apple, both of which were about 160g. That was different from the recipe above, but I did not want to have odd leftovers and it turned out to be a good amount for a side dish. I cut the apple into 8, as it was a quite large one. For the sauce, I used the amount the recipe states. However, I must have boiled them too long - I did not have a lot of water left at the end. Also, I forgot to mix the oatmeal and water before adding that to the sauce, so I added all the sauce ingredients in one go. Then I added more water.

From the look, DH thought the apple pieces were potatoes. It was only after he had a bite he realised it was an apple. It turned out to be a very pleasant dish. The carrot seemed to have sweetened by the apples. I think I was a bit conservative about the amount of mixed spice. It could have been a bit more – perhaps a half a teaspoon to add more flavour. Having said that, we both thought we would happily eat the dish again.






Ministry of Food, 1943-1945, Carrots (War cookery leaflet no.4) (seen on National Library of Scotland website)
