8. Simple Rice Pudding ライスプディング

Wartime rice pudding


85g rice                                                           米 85g

570ml water                                                    湯 570ml

57g sugar                                                        砂糖 57g

5 level Tablespoons dry milk                          粉ミルク 大さじ すりきり5

Few drops vanilla extract                                バニラエッセンス 数滴


1.     Wash rice, put into boiling water and cook til soft and the water has almost evaporated.

2.     Mix the milk, sugar, vanilla to a cream with a little water.

3.     Add 2 to the rice.

4.     Cook for 2-3 minutes, and serve hot or cold.


To make chocolate rice pudding – add 3 level tablespoons cocoa.

To make coffee rice pudding – add 1 tablespoon coffee essence.

Add orange, pineapple or any other flavouring.


1.     お米を洗い、お湯に入れ、お米が柔らかくなり、水がほとんど蒸発するまで茹でる。

2.     粉ミルク、砂糖、バニラエッセンスを少量の水と混ぜ、クリーム状にする。

3.     21に混ぜる。

4.     更に23分火を加える。






This recipe is from Making the Most of Milk by Ministry of Food.

Japanese advancement in South East Asia and the fall of Indo-China, Thailand and Burma resulted a loss of 80% of its pre-war supplies of rice. By 1944, the main source of import of rice seemed to have shifted to the U.S..

Rice was placed under point rationing in January 1942. The point system was introduced in December 1941. Items whose supply was small per head and demand uneven were subjected to the scheme. Under the system, consumers were given a number of points to spend on a selection of food. Each item was given a points value varying according to the expected demand in relation to the supply. Thereby people were given a choice while the distribution was controlled.



Ingredients 材料

Wash rice お米を洗う

Cook the rice until soft お米が柔らかくなるまで煮る
Put dry milk, sugar, vanilla extract in a bowl 粉ミルク、砂糖、バニラエッセンス、水をボウルに入れる
Mix them with little water 少量の水を入れて混ぜる

Add the milk mixture to the rice and cook for 2-3 minutes ミルクや砂糖を混ぜたものを煮たお米に混ぜて、更に2~3分煮る


I made it on my dear friend Sylvia’s request. She has a fond memory of her mother making it for her. As DH’s father also loved it, his family also had it regularly. They had it with jam/honey or sometimes just brown sugar. This simple yet sweet pudding seems to evoke lovely warm memories to many Brits.

I cooked the rice about 20 minutes before adding other ingredients.

I thought I would need jam on top, but it was much sweeter than I thought and DH remembered. This pudding does not require anything more. It is nothing fancy but is like a little gentle hug.






H.M Stationary Office, 1946, How Britain was fed in War Time: Food Control 1939-1945

Ministry of Food, 1944, Making the Most of Milk (His Majesty’s Stationery Office)
