4. Cabbage and Sausage Pie キャベツとソーセージのパイ

cabbage and sausage pie


6 sausages                                         ソーセージ 6つ

225g mashed potatoes                       マッシュポテト 225g

1 medium sized cabbage                   キャベツ 中ぐらいのものを一個

2 large green apples                           りんご 2つ

100ml well-seasoned gravy                グレービー 100ml

Melted dripping (or margarine)           マーガリンを溶かしたもの



1.     Pre-heat the oven to 180C/160C fan.

2.     If you have not got mashed potatoes already, make them. Chop the potatoes, boil them until soft, drain well, return to the pan and let them dry completely. Mash thoroughly, add a little margarine, a little hot milk, salt and pepper. Whip with the fork until very light.

3.     Shred the cabbage, and core and thinly slice the apples (do not peel them).

4.     Take the sausages out of the skins and mix the meat thoroughly with the mashed potato.

5.     Fill the pie dish with the shredded cabbage and apple, pressing down firmly because the mixture shrinks as it is cooked.

6.     Pour in the gravy.

7.     Roll the sausage and potato mixture on a well-floured board until it is just the size to fit over the pie dish. Place it over the cabbage and apples.

8.     Brush with melted dripping/margarine

9.     Put a paper over it and bake in pre-heated oven for 30minutes.

10.  Take off the paper and cook for 10 minutes more.


1.     オーブンを180℃(コンベクションオーブンの場合は160℃)に予熱する。

2.     マッシュポテトがない場合は、マッシュポテトをつくる。じゃがいもを一口大に切り、柔らかくなるまで茹でる。お湯をよく切り、また鍋にもどす。予熱で完全に乾かせる。マッシャーでよく潰し、少量のマーガリン、少量の温めた牛乳、塩胡椒を入れ空気が入るようにフォークでよく混ぜる。

3.     キャベツを千切りにする。りんごは芯をとり、皮は残したまま薄くスライスする。

4.     ソーセージの中身を取り出し、マッシュポテトとよく混ぜる。

5.     パイ皿にキャベツとりんごを入れ、押さえつける。これは火が通るとキャベツの量が減るから。

6.     パイ皿にグレービーを入れる。

7.     台とめん棒に打ち粉をふり、4をパイ皿の大きさになるまでのばし、5の上にのせる。

8.     マーガリンを溶かしたものをパイの表面にはけで塗る。

9.     オーブンシートを被せ、30分焼く。

10.  オーブンシートを外し、さらに10分焼く。



It is a recipe from Ministry of Food’s Making the Most of the Meat booklet. 

All meat was rationed on 11 March 1940. While everything else was rationed by weight, meat was done so by price. 1s. 2d. would buy about 540g of meat. Offal and sausages were only rationed from 1942 to 1944.

 This booklet comes with a meal plan over two weeks: One week if you use the ration for one good joint on Sunday, and the second week if you spread the ration over five days. This recipe is from the second week. 



Ingredients 材料

Making mashed potatoes マッシュポテトを作る

Shred the cabbage and slice the apples キャベツを千切りにし、りんごをスライスする

Mix the sausage with mashed potatoes ソーセージとマッシュポテトを混ぜ合わせる

Fill the pie dish with cabbage and apples パイ皿にキャベツとりんごを入れる

Pour the gravy グレービーを入れる

Place potatoes/sausage mixture over the pie dish ポテトとソーセージをパイ皿にのせる

Cabbage and sausage pie! 出来上がり!



Because it was for two of us, I halved the ingredients. As I did not have green apples, I used a gala apple I had at home.

The sausage taste was surprisingly subtle. It did not overwhelm the dish, which was nice. The amount of cabbage seemed a bit too much for the sausage topping for my liking, but apple added another layer of flavour. Of course, apples and pork work well together. It was not as exciting as I hoped, but we will happily try this dish again.







Kellett, Celia, Food Rationing at the Master’s House 1939-1954 (The Master’s House exhibition booklet)

Ministry of Food, 1941, Making the most of the meat (seen on National Library of Scotland website)
