cabbage キャベツ
water 水
a pinch of salt 塩ひとつまみ
1. Wash a cabbage well but do not soak for longer than is necessary. If tight-hearted, soak in salted water for not more than half an hour.
2. Cut into quarters and shred coarsely with a sharp knife.
3. Put just enough water in the pan to prevent it burning. About 150ml is plenty for 450-900 grams of cabbage. Add salt and bring the water to the boil.
4. Add the shredded cabbage to the boiling salted water, put the lid and keep it on. It is important that the lid should fit tightly to keep the steam in. If the pan has no lid, use a plate with a weight on top.
5. Boil for 10-15 minutes, shaking the pan once or twice during cooking.
6. Drain, and save any remaining water for soup or gravy.
7. Add a little margarine to the vegetable and toss well before serving. Serve at once.
1. キャベツをよく洗う。水に長く浸けすぎないこと。葉の詰まったキャベツであれば、塩水に30分弱漬ける(30分を超えないように)。
2. よく切れる包丁で1/4に切り、粗千切りにする。
3. 焦げないほどの水を鍋に入れる。450-900gのキャベツに対し、150mlの水が適当。塩を加えて沸騰させる。
4. 沸騰したお湯にキャベツを加え、蓋をする。しっかり蓋がされているようにする。もし蓋がない場合、皿で落とし蓋にする。
5. 10〜15分煮る。2回ほど鍋をゆする。
6. 水を切る。切った水はスープやグレービーをつくるのにとっておく。
7. マーガリンを少量加え、よく混ぜる。
In October 1939, the Dig for Victory campaign was launched to combat food shortage, encouraging people to grow their own food at their gardens and allotments. As cabbages can be harvested all year around, they were widely cultivated privately as well as commercially. Along with onions, carrots, tomatoes and peas, cabbages were prioritised vegetables.
This is from Ministry of Food’s Try Cooking Cabbage This Way leaflet. It says:
Cabbage is often ruined by being boiled too long in too much water. This destroys the taste, the colour and the valuable Vitamin C.
If you follow these suggestions you will find that the cabbage will be quite cooked but crisp and full of flavour.
The Ministry of Information created a publicity video as to how to cook/not to cook cabbage in 1941. This video, called Two Cooks and a Cabbage, is from the BFI collection:
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Wash and shred the cabbage キャベツを洗い、粗千切りにする |
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Boil salted water and add the cabbage 熱した塩水にキャベツを入れる |
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Steam in a lidded pan. Once cooked, add margarine. 蓋をして蒸す 火が通ったらマーガリンを加えて混ぜる |
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Correctly cooked cabbage! 正しく調理されたキャベツのできあがり |
I steamed a quarter of a cabbage for 10 minutes. It was still green and had enough crunch left in it, so it was quite pleasant to eat. I remember when I came to the UK for the first time, I was shocked by boiled-to-death cabbages that were served everywhere. This is definitely greener, more nutritious, and far more palatable than that.
戦時中、キャベツは玉ねぎやにんじん、トマトやグリーンピースとともに、優先的に作られました。1939年10月にはイギリス政府はDig for Victoryという戦時菜園キャンペーンを立ち上げ、自宅の庭や市民菜園での食物の栽培を推奨し、食料不足を補おうとしました。キャベツは一年を通して栽培可能なので、広く栽培されました。そして、国は国民がキャベツから栄養を十分に取れるように、料理法を宣伝しました。1941年に情報庁が作成したビデオはこちらからご覧いただけます。
British Information Serves, 1944, British Agricultural Statistics 1939-1944 (British Information Services)
Ministry of Agriculture, 1944, Cabbages and Related Crops, Dig for Victory leaflet No.5
Ministry of Food, 1944, Try Cooking Cabbage This Way
The Ministry of Information, 1941, Two Cooks and a Cabbage, BFI on Youtube [Accessed 30 January 2025]
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